
A bespoke bag at your colors

16 Mai 2022

A bespoke bag at your colors

Fashion changes all the time because our desires fluctuate. Why not a handbag for every season, f...


How carrot became the sign of tobacco offices

8 Avril 2022

How carrot became the sign of tobacco offices

In CREATIONACC's shop, the tobacco pouch  are sold online. No obligation to display the famous rh...


Pipe manufacturing, the different elements

8 Avril 2022

Pipe manufacturing, the different elements

How is a pipe made?    The different elements of a pipe DSince several centuries, pipe smokers ha...

tag pipe , tobacco


Tobacco use in France

8 Avril 2022

Tobacco use in France

Panorama in consumer numbers in France T he smokers habits are changing like society. Habits ar...

tag tobacco

